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Library closed Sun. Sept. 1 and Mon. Sept. 2 for Labor Day

profile-icon Katherine "Kitty" Luce
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"UNITE!" by Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees via the Smithsonian.

The Cal Maritime Library will be closed Sunday, September 1 and Monday, September 2, 2024, in observance of Labor Day. We will reopen for regular hours on Tuesday, September 3.

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October 7 to 11, 2024 is National Voter Education Week, are you ready to cast your vote on November 5th? 

Voter education makes the voting process easy and straightforward. Get practical steps to register, understand your ballot, and find your polling place. Let’s navigate voting together this #NationalVoterEducationWeek! 

You will have many important decisions to make leading up to the election. We want to ensure your voice is heard and you make informed decisions. CSUM Library created our own Election 2024 guide. This website offers information on voter registration, resources for California ballot measures, where to fact-check hot topics, the best news sources, and how to read and evaluate polls. 

During Voter Education Week you can expect to see educational campaigns (online & in-print) and events across campus. The Cal Maritime Library will have a physical display of books and movies, and voting FAQs posted around the library. We also encourage you to check out our Democracy in America reading list

Visit to get everything you need to vote with confidence!

Monday-Thursday 0730-2100
Friday 0730-1730
Saturday Closed
Sunday 1400-2100

Visit our hours page for the full details!


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The Cal Maritime Library offers extended hours for final exams December 9-18. Visit our calendar for our full schedule!

Extended hours for fall 2023 are:

Sat-Sun Dec. 9-10: 1000-2200
Mon-Wed Dec. 11-13: 0730- 2200
Th-Sat Dec. 14-16: 0645-2200
Sun Dec. 17: 1000-2200
Mon Dec. 18: 0730-1600
Tu-Th Dec.19-21: 0900-1600

CalMaritime Library Extended Hours

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