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Library Policies

The policies of the California Maritime Academy Library

Get Textbooks - For Students

Find your classes and check your textbooks!

If you have questions about course textbooks, visit your friendly librarians at the information desk in the library, call 707-654-1090, or email the library.

Reserve Collection

Materials on reserve include primary course textbooks, media such as DVDs, and seven-day reserve materials.

Item Type Loan Period Renewals Late / Replacement Fees
Two-hour reserves 2 hours / overnight* No renewals $1 / hour**
Media reserves 1 day No renewals $1 / hour**
Seven-day reserves 7 days Unlimited

$1 / day**


* Two-hour reserves checked out in the last 2 hours the Library is open can be kept overnight and are due one hour after the library is  next open. For example, materials checked out after 3 pm Friday are due by 3 pm Sunday.
** Fines will not be charged unless they exceed $15 in a semester.

Reserves Policy - For Instructors

Please email the Library to make arrangements for placing items on Reserve for 2-hour or 7-day loan.

We can place Library-owned material and/or instructors' copies on Reserve. If you are interested in providing electronic copies of course materials, please contact your liaison librarian to discuss whether your materials are available in electronic format, and other options including scanning, subject to copyright limitations.

While the Library's annual budget does not allow for purchasing copies of all materials assigned to students at Cal Maritime, we are able to purchase some requested items, providing they meet our collection development policy.

Please bring Reserve materials to the Library well in advance of students' needs. Our goal is to process materials immediately. Materials received after 4 PM or on a weekend may not be processed until the next working day. Personal materials placed on Reserve are returned at the end of each academic year.

Please read Copyright Considerations for Instructors below to understand legal guidelines for placing materials on reserve. The library can not place photocopied material on Reserve for consecutive semesters without documented copyright permission, unless you are the copyright holder.

If you require assistance in obtaining copyright approval - or have additional copyright questions - please call or e-mail Mark Stackpole x1092.

Copyright Considerations for Instructors

  1. Photocopies - All photocopies must be provided by the instructor. A photocopy of one selection per folder can be submitted to Reserves. A collection of photocopies from one or several sources in one folder is considered an "anthology" and can not be placed on Reserve, unless, copyright permission is obtained for each chapter/reading included in the collection. The document granting copyright permission must accompany each item and remain on file in Reserves.
  2. Periodicals (magazines, journals) owned by the library - Photocopies of articles from journal issues located in the library may be placed on Reserve for 1 semester as a preservation measure. Multiple copies may be made in a ratio of 1 copy per 10 students. Further use beyond 1 semester requires written copyright permission, masthead permission, or purchased reprints. The document granting copyright permission must accompany items and remain in Reserves.
  3. Periodicals (magazines, journals) owned by the instructor - Instructors may place their personal copies of periodicals on Reserve.  The library assumes no liability for items that are lost or damaged.
  4. Periodicals (magazines, journals) not owned by the library - The document granting copyright permission or a copy of the masthead permission from the original source of a journal photocopy, must accompany the item and remain on file in Reserves.
  5. Books owned by the library - If 1 selection (chapter, reading, or essay) is needed from a book owned by the library, photocopies should be made as a preservation measure in a ratio of 1 copy per 10 students. If multiple selections are needed, bring the entire book to be placed on Reserve.
  6. Books owned by the instructor - Instructors may place their personal copies of books on Reserve. The library assumes no liability for books that are lost or damaged.
  7. Books not owned by the library - Instructors should work with Library personnel to determine whether these materials may be acquired. The Library will make every effort to acquire those materials requested by members of the Cal Maritime Community that fit into the scope of the Collection Development Policy
  8. Purchased reprints - Reprints may be purchased and placed on Reserve. No photocopies may be made from reprints.
  9. Consumables - No photocopies may be made from "consumable" works, (I.E. workbooks, exercises, tests, or test booklets, answer sheets, etc...)
  10. Course Packets - Course packets purchased by students are for personal use/fair use and may not be placed on Reserve.
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