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NEW! Featured Collections

profile-icon Katherine "Kitty" Luce
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The Library has started to include featured collections of books, media and other items on our website. Some of these collections have a theme and are linked to a library display, while others let you know about new books or other permanent collections. Each collection is searchable and can be sorted by date, title, author or relevance. The collections also include images of most of the book or DVD covers. Our collections so far are:

We're planning to add more as we go along, so watch this space!

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The Cal Maritime Library will be closed Sunday, January 19 and Monday, January 20, 2025 in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Regular semester hours resume Tuesday, January 16.

Martin Luther King Jr. addresses a crowd from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial

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Cal Maritime Library Extended Finals Hours

The Library will offer extended hours for final exams through May 2, 2024:

Sat/Sun April 27-28: 1000-2200
M-W April 29-May 1: 0645- 2200
Th May 2: 0645-1800
Fri May 3: 0730-1700
Sat/Sun May 4-5: Closed

Mon May 6: Summer hours begin

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The Cal Maritime Library is continually adding new materials t the collection. Take a look at our online collection of books added so far this year - you can sort by date, title, author or relevance, and search within the collection. Also check out our main Collections page to see what else is available through your library.

New books at the library!

Link to the online collection

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