In honor of Black History Month, selected books on black history and black futures are on display in the Library. Come take a look….

In honor of Black History Month, selected books on black history and black futures are on display in the Library. Come take a look….
Monday-Thursday 0730-2100
Friday 0730-1700
Saturday Closed
Sunday 1400-2100
Visit our hours page for the full details!
The Cal Maritime Library's hours will vary in December 2023 and January 2024, so please check our calendar for detailed information!
Dec. 9-18: Extended Finals hours
Dec. 19-20: 9AM-4PM
Dec. 21: 9AM-1PM
Dec. 22-Jan. 1: Library closed
Jan. 2-7: 9am-4pm, closed weekends
Jan. 8: Regular semester hours begin
The Library will be closed Friday November 10, in honor of Veterans Day. We will be open regular hours on Sunday, November 12, 1400-2100.
What's ahead: The week of November 20, we'll be open as usual through Tuesday, November 21; open reduced hours 0900-1600 Wednesday, November 22; and closed Thursday, November 23 through Sunday, November 26 for the Thanksgiving holiday. We'll reopen with regular semester hours on Monday, November 27.
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