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Course Textbooks

Detailed information on the services the Library provides.

Get Textbooks - For Students

Find your classes and check your textbooks!

If you have questions about course textbooks, visit your friendly librarians at the information desk in the library, call 707-654-1090, or email the library.

Reserve Collection

Materials on reserve include primary course textbooks, media such as DVDs, and seven-day reserve materials.

Item Type Loan Period Renewals Late / Replacement Fees
Two-hour reserves 2 hours / overnight* No renewals $1 / hour**
Media reserves 1 day No renewals $1 / hour**
Seven-day reserves 7 days Unlimited

$1 / day**


* Two-hour reserves checked out in the last 2 hours the Library is open can be kept overnight and are due one hour after the library is  next open. For example, materials checked out after 3 pm Friday are due by 3 pm Sunday.
** Fines will not be charged unless they exceed $15 in a semester.

Borrow Textbooks

Find your textbooks by course or instructor

Use our special textbook search to find materials in our Course Reserves section (2-hour loan).

Find your textbooks by author and/or title

Use our general library search engine, OneSearch You may find a copy for semester loan, or an ebook, in addition to any copies we have on reserve.

Buy Textbooks

Campus Bookstore

If you want to buy your textbooks instead of borrowing them from the library for free, you need Keelhauler Shops, the Cal Maritime campus bookstore.

If you experience accessibility barriers using this website, please contact 707-654-1090 or . You will receive a reply within two business days. The library is committed to remediate accessibility barriers within this website and will provide accommodations until the barriers are remediated.