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ENG 112 - Introduction to Technical Communication

Welcome to the ENG 112 Research Guide!

This guide gives you a quick introduction to finding images you can use in presentations, giving credit for the images, and finding more information on a topic.

Creative Commons Licenses and Copyright

Most images you see online are under copyright, and you should get permission before using them in many situations.Images with a Creative Commons license give users more flexibility.

Creative Commons BY
Creative Commons licenses were developed as an alternative to traditional copyright, allowing creators to choose to allow use of their work under conditions they specify. For example, a Creative Commons license can limit reuse to non-commercial purposes, or to work that also carries the same license. The goal of these licenses is to allow creators more options in how their work is used, while observing current U.S. copyright law.

Searching for Images

All of the links listed here allow you to search for images that you can use in presentations because they're in the public domain or have Creative Commons licenses that allow for reuse. ALWAYS visit your image on the original web site where it's found to double-check that it's OK to use. There should be an image credit which will let you know if it's public domain, Creative Commons, or under copyright.

Everything produced by the U.S. government or the State of California is in the public domain - taxpayers already paid for it!

  • To limit a web search to U.S. government websites, add (no spaces) to the end of your search.
  • To limit to U.S. military websites, add
  • To limit to State of California websites, add (.ca is Canada!)

APA Citations for Images

Author's last name, first initial. (Year image was created). Title of work [Type of work]. URL (if retrieved electronically)


McCurry, S. (1985). Afghan girl [Photograph].

Defining Plagiarism

Copyright and Fair Use

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