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New Textbook / Reserves and Equipment Loan Terms and Fines

profile-icon Katherine "Kitty" Luce
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There have been some changes to how long you can check out textbooks, equipment, and other popular items, and the fines that get charged if you return them late.

  • Two-hour textbooks now check out for 2 hours + overnight. If you check out a textbook in the last two hours the library is open, it's due during the first hour the next time the Library is open.
  • Some textbooks and maritime materials that used to have either 2-hour or 3-day loans now have 7-day loans. They are located on the short "reference" shelves, on the side near the offices on the left of the library as you walk in. Seven-day loans are renewable an unlimited number of times, unless someone else puts a hold on the item (how to renew online).
  • iPads now check out for the semester.
  • Dell laptops now check out for 4 hours + overnight. If you check out a laptop in the last four hours the library is open, it's due during the first hour the next time the Library is open.
  • Most other equipment, such as calculators and charting tools, now checks out overnight as well.
  • Fines for hourly loans such as 2-hour textbooks and 4-hour laptops are $1/hour. Fines for 7-day items are $1/day. You will only be charged if you go over $15 in a semester.
  • Books can be returned to the drop box, but laptops should be returned to a human being during library open hours.

Still have questions? All the info is on our Library Policies page!

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