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MGT 400 - Strategic Management

Search Tips

Find and use NAICS codes for specific industries related to your project to get articles about those industries.

Work backward and start with a company you're familiar with to find its related industry.

Look for suggested topics or subjects to link to related articles.

Track down the trade association for your industry to get reports or data.

Contact a company directly to get insider information.

See your librarian if you get stuck!

Recommended Databases

Databases for industry reports and analysis

Statistics by industry, company, or brand


The Marketline industry reports contained in Business Source Premier and the Statista Industry reports are two good bets for finding segmentation information. The Marketline reports often address segmentation directly, and the Statista reports often break consumers into groups by different criteria such as age and geography.

How to Use Databases for Industry Profiles & Market Research Reports

How to Locate Industry Reports in Business Source Premier

Tip: Try using the Industry Profile limit in the Publication Type section.

How to Locate Industry Information in Mergent

How to Use Statista for Industry Analysis

How to Use Mergent to Look Up Competitors

You can use the Advanced Search features in Mergent to create a list of companies within a particular industry. Use the NAICS lookup to find companies within an industry.

“The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.” (

Recommended Websites

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