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Virtual Poster Session: Global Studies & Maritime Affairs Senior Thesis 2020


Direct action in its performance is a reflection of a group's ideological beliefs as well as broader societal trends. There are reasons which remain constant throughout history for why groups utilize DA. However, since 1999 the performance of direct action has exhibited certain trends which make it unique to this era. In practice direct action is simultaneously an experiment in society building. Activists attempt to organize and perform in such a way that they may also experience society as they want it to be. Leftist direct action is also increasingly intersectional and more directed towards black liberation and indigenous causes than other periods in American history. Anarchist organizational tactics have also become increasingly popular with most modern DAs being organized through affinity groups. The notion that actions are disorganized merely because they are nonhierarchical is incorrect. Behind the outward appearance of a mob actions feature a robust system of support with a guiding philosophy that allows ease of assistance by any willing participants. Finally, DA has been more common since the 2011 Occupy movement reinvigorated its use. So long as Americans feel disenfranchised by their system of government DA will be an appealing tool to achieve change by other means.

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