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Virtual Poster Session: Global Studies & Maritime Affairs Senior Thesis 2020

Alondra Jimenez: Gender Integration within the Coast Guard


This research project has become more than just a project. It has become the past, present, and future. There has been female attrition within the U.S. Coast Guard for many years due to many underlying factors. Within the thesis, there will be focal points on women in the Coast Guard, retention factors, gender differences, personnel management evaluation, and racial behavior that may have started this problem. We cannot continue to allow these barriers to stop women from going above and beyond in the military or any workforce. What will be the overall percentage of women retention in the Coast Guard in the next ten years? This evaluation has the importance of making a change in American society. If gender integration progresses within the Coast Guard, many talented women would stay and help reach the Coast Guards mission. There are many ways that workforces can incorporate gender integration and help disseminate these barriers.

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