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Virtual Poster Session: Global Studies & Maritime Affairs Senior Thesis 2020

Angelica Matos: United States National Security & Foreign Assistance Relationship


Foreign assistance as a national security strategy has been a major theme in aid programs and role in combating threats since after World War II under the Marshall Plan.  During the Cold War, aid was used to prevent communist influence, and secure fundamental rights. Since the terrorist attacks in 2001 foreign aid has been used as a counterterrorism strategy. Today, foreign aid plays a significant role in countering countries’ global influence from China and Russia that threaten U.S. security interests. The United States is competing with unfavorable power shifts in the Indo-Pacific, Europe and the Middle East. To sustain U.S. favorable balances of power, it requires strong commitment and cooperation with U.S. allies and partners. Aided countries become a part of a network of states that advance U.S. common interests, values, power, and influence.  

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