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Nautical Fiction Index

Authors Cos - Cup

Costain, Thomas B. (1885-1965)

For My Great Folly. Putnam's, 1942. 504 pages

English pirate John Ward fights Spaniards, London underworld, and gentlemen swordsmen in the early 1600s.





High Towers. Doubleday, 1949. 403 pages

Multi-generational family saga, mostly set in French Canada, including scenes set along the Mississippi and New Orleans.






Costello, F. H. [Frederick Hankerson] (1851-1921)

Master Ardick Buccaneer : a South American romance. D. Appleton, 1896. 311 pages






Under the Rattlesnake Flag. Estes & Lauriat, 1898. 302 pages






On Fighting Decks in 1812. Dana Estes, 1899. 385 pages






A Tar of the Old School. Dana Estes, 1900. 367 pages






Nelson's Yankee Boy : the adventures of a plucky young New Englander at Trafalgar and elsewhere, and later in the war of 1812. Henry Holt, 1904. 293 pages






Cottrell, Dorothy (1902-1957)

The Silent Reefs. Morrow, 1953. 241 pages

Two brothers investigate a motorship lost in the West Indies with all hands in a sea as calm as glass






Couch, Dick (1943- )

Pressure Point. Putnam, 1992. 287 pages

Contemporary USN SEAL adventure.





Silent Descent. Putnam, 1993. 298 pages

A US diesel sub loaded with SEAL Team Two sneaks stealthily into the Soviet Arctic to see if they can successfully rescue a CIA mole from the frozen Kola Penninsula where she's investigating an entrepreneurial Russian colonel who's selling off the nuclear weaponry he's supposed to be dismantling to any tin-pot dictator or rogue state with the cash. The colonel isn't in the racket for personal gain, he's just trying to keep his men paid and prevent the collapse of his command.


Rising wind. Naval Institute Press, 1996. 326 pages

Chilling thriller that raises disturbing questions about leftover World War II animosities, as a Japanese terrorist group captures a key US chemical weapons facility in the Pacific and takes 1,000 American hostages.




Couch, G. Northwood

Skipper Morgan : a tale. Gramol, 1947. 160 pages

Adventure story set in South Wales






Coulter, Stephen (1914-1986)

Threshold. Morrow, 1964. 215 pages

An explosion brings the HMS Uranus to rest on the ocean floor seven miles inside Russian territorial waters. There is seven days of oxygen left for the twenty nine survivors. At 10 Downing St., the survivors count for little in what is debated as an embarrassing accident that may hurt international relations because the sub was in fact on a secret reconnaissance mission. The sub's commander is faced with a mutinous crew led by the Communist saboteur who planned the wreck.



Cowper, E. E. [Edith Elise Cadogan] (1859-1933)

The Brown Bird and her Owners : a story of Adventure off the South Coast. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1900. 256 pages






Calder Creek : a story of Smuggling on the South Coast. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1903. 246 pages






Lady Fabia, a story of adventure on the South Coast in 1805. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1909. 221 pages






Three Girls on a Yacht. Cassell, 1910. 343 pages






The Moonrakers, a story of Smugglers in the New Forest in 1747. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1910. 256 pages






The Crew of the "Silver Fish". Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1914. 223 pages


Three Sailor Girls. Henry Frode, 1916. 288 pages






Maids of the “Mermaid.” A story of Adventure on the Coast of England. Blackie, 1919. 288 pages






Ann's Great Adventure. Blackie, 1923. 320 pages






Girls on the Gold Trail. A story of Strange Adventures in the Northlands. Nelson, 1924. 327 pages






White Wings to the Rescue. Blackie, 1924. 320 pages






The Holiday School. Cassell, 1928. 215 pages






Camilla's Castle. Blackie, 1928. 255 pages






The Forbidden Island. Blackie, 1929. 208 pages






That Joyous Adventure. Nelson, 1929. 95 pages






The Fifth Form Adventurers. Cassell, 1929. 215 pages






The Invincible Fifth. Cassell, 1930. 215 pages







Cox, Patrick G.

A Baltic Affair. Indiego Publishing , 2013. 370 pages

Captain Petroc Gray, commander of the ship-rigged sloop of war, HMS Kestrel, is drawn into diplomacy, intrigue, and espionage when he rescues the Freiherr von Dieffenbach and his family off the island of Rügen in the Baltic. The Freiherr is an important and valuable connection in the struggle to beat the Napoleonic Continental blockade of British trade, and his daughter, Silke, is a delightful young woman with a quick wit, brilliant intelligence, and a keen eye for observing the events unfolding around them.



Cozzens, James Gould (1903-1978)

S.S. San Pedro. Harcourt, Brace, 1931. 136 pages

An ocean liner bound for Argentina with a million dollars in gold and a full passenger list founders in a storm.





Crace, Jim (1946- )

Signals of Distress. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1995. 275 pages

In the 1830s an American barque is grounded by a storm on sandbar off small village in the west of England. Americans prove to be a disturbing presence.





Cragg, John G.

At Home and at Sea:

  1. A New War [1803] self, 2016. 208 pages






  3. A Continuing War [1803-1804] self, 2017. 321 pages






  5. A War by Diplomacy [1804] self, 2017. 418 pages






  7. A Stalemated War [1805] self, 2018. 383 pages






  9. A Changing War [1805 II] self, 2019. 363 pages






  11. A Widening War [1806] self, 2021. 376 pages






  13. A War in Home Waters [1807] self, 2023. 419 pages






  15. A War in Baltic Waters [1807-11] self, 2024. 358 pages







Craig, Mary Shura (1923-1991)

Pirate's Landing. Jove, 1983. 331 pages

Saga of an American colonial family who "ploughed the land and sailed the seas" in the early 18th century.




Crake, E. E. [Edward Ebenezer] (1842-1915)

In Mortal Peril: A Story of the Great Armada. Religious Tract Society, 1908. 213 pages







Crane, Stephen (1871-1900)

The Open Boat. Scribner's, June 1898.

Short story about four shipwreck survivors who set out for safety in a lifeboat. "The sternest, creepiest bit of realism ever penned".




Flanagan and His Short Filibustering Adventure. McClure's Magazine, October 1897.

The story of The Open Boat told from the point of view of the Captain.





Cranston, Edward

A Matter of Duty [short stories]. Longmans, Green, 1943. 178 pages







Crawford, Iain (1922-2011)

The Burning Sea. Cassell, 1959. 218 pages

Saga of a WW II British rescue tug in the Atlantic and Mediterranean.





Crichton, Michael (1942-2008)

Pirate Latitudes. HarperCollins, 2009. 312 pages

Posthumous tale of pirates in The Caribbean set in 1665.





Crisp, Frank (1915-1996)

The Golden Quest: a seventeenth century tale of adventure. The Bodley Head, 1952. 272 pages






The Devil Diver. The Bodley Head, 1954. 247 pages






The Adventure of Whaling. Macmillan, 1954. 143 pages






Fazackerley's Millions. Stanley Paul, 1955. 192 pages






The Chandu Men. Stanley Paul, 1955. 192 pages






The Treasure of Barby Swin. Coward McCann, 1955. 215 pages






Maori Jack's Monster. Hodder & Stoughton, 1956. 190 pages

Young man solves a Marie Celeste type mystery






Dirk Rogers Adventures

  1. The Sea Robbers. Bodley Head, 1949. 215 pages





  3. The Haunted Reef. Bodley Head, 1950. 231 pages





  5. The Java Wreckmen. Coward-McCann, 1956. 248 pages





  7. The Manila Menfish. Hodder & Stoughton, 1956. 244 pages

    The crew of the Sulawesi pick up the body of a diver who has been shot dead with an arrow through his heart




  9. The Sea Ape. Hodder & Stoughton, 1958. 190 pages





  11. The Demon Wreck. Hodder & Stoughton, 1958. 160 pages





  13. The Giant of Jembu Gulf. Hodder & Stoughton, 1959. 160 pages





  15. The Ice Divers. Hodder & Stoughton, 1960. 126 pages

    Rescue of two Arctic Scientists





  17. The Coral Wreck. Jonathan Cape, 1964. 160 pages





  19. The Sanguman. Jonathan Cape, 1965. 160 pages







Crockett, Sherman

Two American boys aboard a submersible. Hurst, 1917. 305 pages

The adventures of two American schoolboys aboard an Allied submarine searching for marauding German submarines and Greek blockade gun-runners during World War I.




Crofts, Freeman Wills (1879-1957)

The Loss Of The Jane Vosper. Dodd, Mead, 1936. 338 pages

The first 40 pages are afloat, the rest of the book solves the mystery.





Cross, John Keir (1914-1967)

The White Magic. Westhouse, 1947. 313 pages

The adventure of Jason Flower who was sent on the Grinnell Expedition to help search for missing explorer John Franklin




Blackadder: a tale of the days of Nelson as told by some of those who played parts in it : the various documents collected and edited by Stephen MacFarlane and the whole now presented for the first time in book form. F. Muller, 1950. 215 pages





Crouch, Archer Philip (1858-1934)

Nellie of the "Eight Bells". J. Long, 1908. 343 pages

"The Eight Bells" is a Portsmouth tavern frequented by sailors. We are taken to sea, catch a glimpse of Nelson, and witness Trafalgar


Cruts, Randy

Dive into Terror. Black Forest Press, 1995. 348 pages

The Islamic ibn Allah (ISA), a newly formed terrorist organization is in the process of uniting all terrorist factions worldwide. This new threat has split from Nidal's Black June and other heretic terrorist groups. Nick Cutter, a lieutenant in the United States Navy with the warfare specialty of SEAL, is recruited by an elite counter- terrorist team, the Terrorist Neutralization/Hostage Extraction Squad (TNHES or Tennis Team). His new mission, eliminate the most important cell of the ISA.



Cule, W. E. [William Edward] (1870-1944)

In the Secret Sea : [a tale of adventure in the South Atlantic]. Sheldon, 1934. 190 pages

Originally published as a serial in the Boy's Own Paper


Cullum, Ridgwell [pseud. Sidney Groves Burghard (1867-1943)]

Sheets in the Wind. J.B. Lippincott, 1932. 471 pages

Jock, tall red-haired Scottish baronet, who sails around the Horn on 'The Witch', a deep sea windjammer of the Demon Line, in order to lay bare a drug smuggling enterprise





Cummings, William G.

An Island Chronicle. Knopf, 1924. 302 pages

The lives of a Portuguese fishing village on a New England island





Passion and Glory. Knopf, 1925. 278 pages

A Massachusetts fisherman undergoes a profound religious experience denied to men of more sophisticated intelligence






Cupples, George (1822-1891)

The Green Hand : Adventures of a Naval Lieutenant [a sea story for boys]. G. Routledge and Sons, 1878. 448 pages





The Two Frigates, or Captain Bisset's legacy. G. Routledge and Sons, 1859. 387 pages

Captain Herbert. Chapman, 1864. 3 volumes

The Sunken Rock: A tale of the Mediterranean. Harper & Brothers, 1879. 81 pages

A spliced yarn : some strands from the life cable of Bill Bullen. Gibbins, 1899. 300 pages


Cupples, Anne Jane [aka Mrs. George Cupples] (1839-1896)

Norrie Seton, or, Driven to the Sea. Nimmo, Hay, & Mitchell, 1869. 326 pages












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