Haugaard, Erik Christian (1922-2009)
Orphans of the Wind. Houghton Mifflin, 1966. 186 pages
A 12 year old boy serves as a deckboy on a blockade runner during the Civil War
Havighurst, Walter (1901-1994)
Pier 17. Macmillan, 1935. 260 pages
A young sailor with ambitions of writing fiction gets caught up in a shipping strike in Seattle
The Quiet Shore. Macmillan, 1937. 284 pages
A family splits between their old Lake Erie homestead and life in the new industrial cities
No Homeward Course. Doubleday, Doran, 1941. 295 pages
A sympathetic tale of a World War 2 Nazi merchant raider. The raider is manned with as devoted and chivalrous a crew of German idealists as ever put to sea. The captain is Siegfried-Lohengrin, the chief engineer is a more elderly version of Siegfried-Lohengrin, the ship’s doctor is service to humanity incarnate, and only the first officer is a Nazi.
Signature of time. Macmillan, 1949. 284 pages
Two brothers, veterans of the World War, return to civilian life at their remote island in Lake Erie where they spent their boyhoods
Hawes, Charles Boardman (1889-1923)
The Mutineers : a tale of old days at sea and of adventures in the Far East as Benjamin Lathrop set it down some sixty years ago. Atlantic, 1919. 276 pages
Mutiny on a ship in the Pacific.
The Great Quest : a romance of 1826, wherein are recorded the experiences of Josiah Woods of Topham, and of those others with whom he sailed for Cuba and the Gulf of Guinea. Little Brown, 1921. 359 pages
Twelve-year-old Josiah tells of how his Uncle Seth is tricked by an old friend into selling his shop and buying a ship. Thinking they are going in search of gold, Josiah and his uncle find themselves unwillingly involved in the slave trade and at odds with the crew.
The Dark Frigate : wherein is told the story of Philip Marsham who lived in the time of King Charles and was bred a sailor but came home to England after many hazards by sea and land and fought for the king at Newbury and lost a great inheritance and departed for Barbados in the same ship, by curious chance, in which he had long before adventured with the pirates. Atlantic Monthly, 1923. 247 pages
The story of Philip Marsham, a sailor in King Charles times who dares not return to England after his ship is taken over by pirates, and he is forced to join their crew. Young adult -- in same sense that Mr. Midshipman Hornblower or Bolitho and the Avenger are. Newberry Award winner.
Hawkins, John (1910-1978) & Hawkins, Ward (1912-1990)
Devil on His Trail. Dotton, 1944. 255 pages
Merchant seaman in a lifeboat after the sinking of his freighter by the Japanese remembers his life and the girl he left behind
Hawthorne, Mike
The Hungry Horizon. Fireship, 2016. 345 pages
In 1679, a fleet of buccaneers secretly prepares to attack the Spanish Main, in defiance of the peace treaty between England and Spain. A veteran of the Dutch Wars and Henry Morgan's sack of Panama, Tom Sheppard flees from a brawl in Port Royal with his two young turtle-fishing mates to join the expedition and escape the threat of the gallows. First of the projected Pirates of the Pacific series, of which only this book has seen print.
Hay, Ian [pseud. Beith, John Hay] (1876-1952) and King-Hall, Stephen (1893-1966)
The Middle Watch : a romance of the navy. Houghton, Mifflin, 1930. 288 pages
Novelization of their hit London play
The Midshipmaid : the tale of a naval manœuver. Houghton, Mifflin, 1933. 366 pages
Expansion of their three act romantic farce
Haycox, Ernest (1899-1950)
Long Storm. Little, Brown, 1946. 296 pages
The bitter fight of southern sympathizers, the Copperheads, to take Oregon out of the Union and the pro-Union protagonist to keep his coastal Oregon boat operating.
The Adventurers. Little, Brown, 1954. 332 pages
In the 1860s a sea captain goes aground in storm on the West Coast, takes to working on a river in Oregon.
Hayden, Sterling (1916-1986)
Voyage: a novel of 1896. Putnam, 1976. 700 pages
On New Year's Day, 1896, the enormous steel-hulled four-masted square rigger Neptune's Car slides down the ways of a Maine shipyard, the pride of Banning Butler Blanchard, shipbuilder extraordinaire. Undertaking a torturous maiden voyage around the Horn to San Francisco, her crew are driven to murder and near mutiny by the brutal reality of life below deck on a "hellship" during the age of sail. Meanwhile, Blanchard's daughter Mrs. Montague Cutting, her husband, and a party of gilded aristocrats enjoy an idyllic cruise through the South Pacific to Japan, aboard the luxurious private yacht Atalanta. As both Atalanta and Neptune's Car arrive in San Francisco on the eve of the Bryan-McKinley presidential election, the increasing chasm between haves and have-nots threatens to erupt into riot and insurrection.
Hayes, Courtenay
Witchery o' the Moor. Herbert Jenkins, 1924. 312 pages
Seamew & Co. Herbert Jenkins, 1924. 310 pages
Extracts of the Mental Log of Captain William Caxton and Colonel Wm. Gale during their Adventure on the Yacht "Seamew".
On the Fringe of the Cyclone. A Tale for Adventurous Youth. F. Warne, 1924. 243 pages
Rover Ahoy! F. Warne, 1925. 151 pages
Hayes, John F. (1904-1980)
The Dangerous Cove: A Story of the Early Days in Newfoundland. Copp Clark, 1957. 265 pages
Peter Thistle discovers a sea-battered boat containing two victims of the Devon men, murderous English sea captains known as the Fishing Admirals, who terrorize the Newfoundland coast in 1676
Hayes, Nelson (1903-1971)
Blockade. Lovat Dickson & Thompson, 1935. 332 pages
During the American Civil War, an English boy born in the West Indies find the lure of blockade running irresistible.
The Roof of the Wind. Doubleday, 1961. 216 pages
A couple battle a storm in their small boat off the Bahamas
Haywood, Charles F.
Eastward the Sea. Jackson & Phillips, 1959. 304 pages
Seamen from Marblehead taking on the Barbary pirates.
Hazel, Henry [pseud. Justin Jones] (1814-1889)
The King's Cruisers; or, The Rebel and the Rover. Evert D. Long, 1845. 91 pages
Big Dick, The King of the Negroes; or, Virtue and Vice Contrasted. А Romance of High & Low Life in Boston. The "Star Spangled Banner" Office, 1846. 100 pages
The Corsair; or, The Foundling of the Sea; An American Romance. Gleason's Publishing Hall, 1846. 100 pages
Valdez, the pirate ; or, Scenes off Long Island. Н. Long and Brother, 1846. 98 pages
Fourpe Тар; or, The Middy of the Macedonian. In Which Is Contained the Concluding Incidents in the Career of "Big Dick", The Кing of the Negroes. Jones Publishing House, 1847. 100 pages
The Pirate's Daughter; Or, The Rovers of the Atlantic. A thrilling tale of the ocean. The "Star Spangled Banner" Office, 1847. 100 pages
Gallant Tom : or, The Perils of a Sailor, Ashore and Afloat ; a nautical romance of wonderful interest. Jones's Publishing House, 1848. 94 pages
Mad Jack and Gentleman Jack; Or, The Last Cruise of Old Ironsides Around the World. А Tale of Adventures Ьу Sea and Land. The "Star Spangled Banner" Office, 1850. 98 pages
Red King, the Corsair Chieftain. A romance of the ocean. H. Long & Brother, 1850. 122 pages
Yankee Jack; or, The Perils of а Privateersman. H. Long & Brother, 1852. 127 pages
The Flying Yankee; Or, The Cruise of the Clippers. А Tale of Privateering in the War of 1812-15. Н. Long, 1853. 100 pages
Harry Tempest; Or, The Pirate's Protege. An American Nautical Romance. Н. Long and Brother, 1853. 103 pages
The Pirate's Son : a Sea Novel of Great Interest. Т.В. Peterson, 1855. 98 pages
Harry Helm; Or, The Cruise of the Bloodhound. Т. В. Peterson, с.1860. 100 pages
The Doomed Ship; Or, The Wreck of the Arctic Regions. Т.В. Peterson, 1864. 96 pages
Hazlett, Edward Everett (1892-1958)
"Rig for depth charges!" The career of a young naval officer on submarine duty. Dodd, Mead, 1945. 269 pages
For young readers.
Heagney, H. J. [Harold Jerome] (1890- )
Blockade Runner. Longmans, Green, 1939. 187 pages
Aboard the C.S.S. Robert E. Lee
Healey, David
The Sea Lord Chronicles:
When 14-year-old Alexander Hope is sent by his stingy uncle to become a junior officer in the Royal Navy, he has never seen the sea or been very far from the ramshackle manor house where he grew up. He's also never seen a gryphon. There are high expectations for Alexander, whose famous ancestor was Sir Algernon Hope, a sea elemental who defeated the Spanish Armada and saved England from invasion.
Alexander is assigned to catch the thief who stole something mysterious from the American diplomat aboard the HMS Resolution. His task is made difficult because crew and even some of the officers are suspicious and jealous of his new powers as an elemental who can command the sea.
Heandi [pseud. Wolstan Beaumont Charles Weld-Forester (1899-1961)]
From Snotty to Sub. Heinemann, 1918. 142 pages
A midshipman becomes a sub-lieutenant
Heatter, Basil (1918-2009)
The Dim View. Farrar, Straus, 1946. 256 pages
PT skipper fears that he has lost his nerve after being injured in the South Pacific, but must again face the Japanese from the deck of his PT boat.
Hedben, Mark (1916-1991)
A Pride of Dolphins. Michael Joseph, 1974. 299 pages
Deadly Gas-X is stored in submarine set to be scuttled. Bad guys attempt to hijack said sub
Heggen, Thomas (1919-1949)
Mr. Roberts. Houghton Mifflin, 1946. 221 pages
US Navy transport RELUCTANT as it sails from Tedium to Apathy -- with occasional side trips to Monotony and Ennui -- in the back waters of WW II in the Pacific. Novel focuses on the attempts by a reserve lieutenant to defy his mustang captain by transfering off the ship to a combat position. Later an award winning play and film.
Helprin, Mark (1947- )
The Oceans and the Stars: A Sea Story, A War Story, A Love Story. Overlook, 2023. 507 pages
A Navy captain near the end of a decorated career, Stephen Rensselaer is disciplined, intelligent, and determined to always do what’s right. In defending the development of a new variant of warship, he makes an enemy of the president of the United States, who assigns him to command the doomed line’s only prototype––Athena, Patrol Coastal 15––with the intent to humiliate a man who should have been an admiral. Rather than resign, Rensselaer takes the new assignment in stride, and while supervising Athena’s fitting out in New Orleans, encounters a brilliant lawyer, Katy Farrar, with whom he falls in last-chance love. Soon thereafter, he is deployed on a mission that subjects his integrity, morality, and skill to the ultimate test, and ensures that Athena will live forever in the annals of the Navy.
Hemingway, Ernest (1899-1961)
After the Storm. Hearst's International/Cosmopolitan, May 1932.
Short story. A poor Bahamian fisherman finds a sunken luxury yacht and tries unsuccessfully to scavenge it.
The Old Man and the Sea. Scribner, 1952. 93 pages
Cuban doesn't bring home the big fish.
Islands in the Stream. Scribner, 1970. 448 pages
Published posthumously. About an American painter who lives on Bimini. The early part of the book (set in the 1930s) contains some great sport fishing scenes. During WW II the painter and his boat are drafted in the service of American intelligence to track down survivors of a German submarine who are trying to escape.
Hennessy, Max [pseud. John Harris (q.v.)]
Kelly "Ginger" Maguire trilogy:
From 1911 through WW I, Maguire serves on armored cruiser HUGUENOT, gets torpedoed on CRESSY, stranded in Antwerp in 1914, captured when his submarine is sunk during Gallipoli, and sees action on destroyer MORDANT at Jutland.
Follows our hero through the years between WW I and the Spanish Civil War. He has adventures in Russia during the Civil War, Shanghai, and in the Red Sea during the Abyssinian Crisis.
Ginger Maguire, now the most decorated man in the Royal Navy, commands a destroyer in Iberian waters during the Spanish Civil War, fights at Narvik, Matapan and Crete, and commands an escort group on the Murmansk run in action remarkably similar to the Battle of the Barents Sea.
Henrick, Richard P. (1951- )
Silent Warriors. Kensington, 1985. 381 pages
Alexander Korsakov, captain of Russia's most technologically advanced submarine, is shocked to learn that he is to spearhead a massive nuclear first strike against the Americans. The captain of a U.S. attack sub, out of radio contact and without orders, must engage in an epic undersea battle--or risk witnessing the shattering end of the world above.
Counterforce. Kensington, 1985. 415 pages
Inside the world's most advanced submarine, Vulkan, a man holds a list of U.S. targets--each one will mean millions of casualties and a world thrown into nuclear chaos. Capt. Cooksey knows that his elusive prey can be brought down only one way--betrayal. Someone within the Russian hierarchy is about to give the Americans the one tool they need to stop the Vulkan.
The Phoenix Odyssey. Kensington, 1986. 364 pages
Receiving a sudden War Alert while on a routiene patrol, the crew of the Trident submarine USS Phoenix is suddenly cut off of all communication--including the one cancelling the War Alert--and reemerges with the wrong ideas.
Flight of the Condor. Kensington, 1987. 381 pages
America's most advanced defensive surveillance satellite is hurtling towards Earth, leaving the United States susceptible to a surprise attack from the Soviet Union. As the Russians prepare to deliver a lethal nuclear blow, the fate of humanity will be fought on two battlefields--beneath the ocean and in outer space.
When Duty Calls. Kensington, 1988. 415 pages
Russians put first military laser on line in Siberia, so SEAL team has to go in by submarine, then destroy site.
Beneath the Silent Sea. Kensington, 1988. 414 pages
The Chinese have launched their most lethal submarine in a clandestine attack on both the U.S. and the Soviet Union-- just as peace talks between these two nations have begun. Now, to stop the Maoist fanatics, two world powers about to come together in peace must join forces in war. As they race toward a showdown in the perilous ocean depths, the ultimate thermonuclear endgame is about to be played for the highest stakes of all.
Cry of the Deep. Kensington, 1989. 416 pages
30-year-old US sub SWORDFISH stands between gigantic Russian sub and nuclear warfare with US.
Under the Ice. Kensington, 1989. 383 pages
Airplane carrying the Soviet premier goes down in the arctic, and US and USSR subs race to the area.
Sea Devil. Kensington, 1990. 382 pages
Renegade Admiral Igor Starobin leads a new submarine to penetrate and destroy a U.S. Navy base that is the strategic core of NATO's defense advantage. The formidable "Sea Devil" becomes locked in a desperate battle against the super attack sub USS BOWFIN, under the command of Pentagon special investigator Brad Mackenszie.
The Golden U-Boat. Kensington, 1991. 384 pages
Nazi U-boat sinks with secret weapon; 50 years later, fugitive SS officer salvages it. A US sub must deal with the Nazi and a Russian boomer.
Sea of Death. Kensington, 1992. 350 pages
The ultimate biological weapon lies in the hands of a Ninja warrior with a mad dream of reestablishing Japan as the world's mightiest military superpower. Only an obsolete diesel-powered submarine manned by a crew of specially trained computer-oriented nuke submariners can stop him.
Dive to Oblivion. Kensington, 1993. 352 pages
When a nuclear-powered submarine vanishes, commander Thomas Moore uncovers a trail of terror that leads to a paranoid and ruthless cabal of hardline Communists.
Ecowar. HarperCollins, 1993. 338 pages
Dr. Peter Kraft, an expert in dolphin communication, is ordered to journey on the attack class vessel, the USS Chicago, to investigate strange reports of a marauding sea monster in the depths of the Kuril Trench.
Ice Wolf. Harper, 1994. 337 pages
Nuclear attack sub USS SPRINGFIELD encounters mysterous rogue U-boat with ex-Nazi aboard, seeking legendary lost treasure in the arctic.
Crimson Tide. Avon, 1995. 239 pages
Aboard nuclear sub USS ALABAMA when orders come to launch preemptive nuclear strike. Is order real, a test, or a mistake? It's impossible to confirm, skipper wants to launch, and exec says no. The author's novelization of his screenplay.
Attack on a Queen. Avon, 1997. 368 pages
Terrorists seize the ocean liner, Queen Elizabeth II, hosting an economic conference of heads of top industrial countries. Two brothers try to outwit the terrorists, Thomas Kellogg of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Vincent Kellogg of the Secret Service.
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