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Nautical Fiction Index

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Allan, Philip K.

Alexander Clay series

  1. The Captain's Nephew. Penmore, 2018. 366 pages


    First Lieutenant Alexander Clay of the Agrius is self-made, clever, and ready for the new age. But the old world, dominated by patronage, retains a tight hold on advancement. Though Clay has proven himself many times over, Captain Percy Follett is determined to promote his own nephew. But before Clay finds a way to receive due credit for his exploits, he'll first need to survive them



  3. A Sloop of War. Penmore, 2018. 326 pages


    Alexander Clay, commanding The Rush, is sent to blockade the French island of St Lucia and to support a landing by British troops to attempt to take the island from the French garrison. The crew and officers of the Rush are repeatedly threatened along the way by a singular Spanish ship, in a contest that can only end in destruction or capture. And from the ranks, comes an accusation of murder leveled against Clay by the nephew of his former captain.



  5. On the Lee Shore. Penmore, 2018. 352 pages


    Newly promoted to Post Captain, Alexander Clay returns home from the Caribbean to recover from wounds sustained at the Battle of San Felipe. However, he is soon called upon by the Admiralty to take command of the frigate Titan and join the blockade of the French coast. But the Titan will be no easy command with its troubled crew that had launched a successful mutiny against its previous sadistic captain.



  7. A Man of No Country. Penmore, 2018. 320 pages


    In 1798, the Royal British Navy withdrew from the Mediterranean to combat the threat of invasion at home. In their absence, rumors abound of a French Army gathering in the south of France under General Napoleon Bonaparte, and of a large fleet gathering to transport them. Alexander Clay and his ship, Titan, are sent to the Mediterranean to investigate.



  9. The Distant Ocean. Pennmore, 2019. 318 pages


    A powerful French naval squadron is at large in the Indian Ocean, attacking Britain's vital East India trade. Together with his friend John Sutton, Alexander Clay is sent as part of the Royal Navy's response.




  11. The Turn of The Tide. Penmore, 2019. 312 pages


    Alexander Clay and the crew of the Titan are sent on a secret mission across the Channel. Amongst the forests and marshes of Southern Brittany, a Royalist rebellion is building and the Government at home is keen to support it. But as the uprising grows, Clay finds himself being drawn into a world of deception, intrigue and treachery.



  13. In Northern Seas. Penmore, 2019. 247 pages


    As the long war with France enters its eighth year, there is trouble in the Baltic. Napoleon is busy recruiting new allies to cut off Britain’s vital trade in naval supplies. Captain Alexander Clay is given a new command, the Royal Navy frigate Griffin, and sent ahead of the British fleet on a vital diplomatic mission. In that cold northern sea, the dangers he face are legion. Snow and ice, French opponents, palace conspiracies and an assassin trained in the orient.



  15. Larcum Mudge. self, 2020. 301 pages


    On a hot night in the Caribbean, a lone Royal Navy ship commanded by a sadistic captain, succumbs to bloody mutiny. With the Peace of Amiens imminent, Captain Alexander Clay and the crew of the Griffin are sent to track down and recapture the rebel ship. But when they arrive in the Leeward Islands, they find that much more is at stake. Smuggling and corruption seem to be rife in those sunlit waters, while ghosts from the past stir in the shadows.



  17. Upon the Malabar Coast. self, 2021. 330 pages


    Spring 1803 finds Captain Alexander Clay and his crew dispersed and struggling to adjust to a life of peace at home. Meanwhile, in the wider world, Europe is sliding back towards war. When news arrives that a powerful squadron has left Brest on a secret mission to the east commanded by the crack French Admiral Linois, Clay is given his old command back and is sent in pursuit. The Griffin arrives in Regency India, where treasure fleets worth millions ply the seas and France and Britain fight for influence among powerful local rulers.


  19. Clay and the Immortal Memory. self, 2023. 387 pages


    Captain Alexander Clay and the crew of the Griffin return from India after almost two years away, impatient to see loved ones at home, but fate has other ideas. In the middle of the Atlantic they cross paths with a huge Franco-Spanish fleet on its way to the Caribbean, and find themselves drawn into one of the greatest naval campaigns in history. With the very survival of Britain at stake, Clay will need all his ability to help the Royal Navy win through



  21. Clay and the River of Silver. self, 2024. 378 pages


    Across the ocean, South America is on the brink of revolution. Clay must not only fight the French, but also navigate his way through the murky waters of the Rio de la Plata. Here Freedom Fighters hungry for power, American gunrunners, and the ambitions of his own commander make for an explosive mixture.




The Wolves series

  1. Sea of Wolves. self, 2020. 308 pages

    Set in the Second World War during the Battle of the Atlantic. It follows three separate stories, one set on a U-boat, one on a convoy escort and a female codebreaker working in the Naval Section at Bletchley Park.




  3. The Wolves in Winter. self, 2022. 326 pages

    U-boat commander Jürgen Bortfeldt, Norwegian resistance member Jan Pedersen, and code braker Vera Baldwin continue their adventures





Allen, Conrad [pseud. Keith Miles] (1940- )

George Porter Dillman and Genevieve Masefield series

  1. Murder on the Lusitania. Minotaur, 1999. 266 pages







  3. Murder on the Mauretania. Minotaur, 2000. 277 pages







  5. Murder on the Minnesota. Minotaur, 2002. 252 pages







  7. Murder on the Caronia. Minotaur, 2003. 336 pages







  9. Murder on the Marmora. Minotaur, 2004. 288 pages







  11. Murder on the Salsette. Minotaur, 2005. 272 pages







  13. Murder on the Oceanic. Minotaur, 2006. 288 pages







  15. Murder on the Celtic. Minotaur, 2007. 288 pages








Allen, Hervey (1889-1949)

Anthony Adverse. Farrar and Rinehart, 1933. 1224 pages

Traces the fortunes of its hero, Anthony Adverse, from his illegitimate birth through his struggle to claim his rightful inheritance. Many ocean sequences.




Allen, Thomas B. and Polmar, Norman

Ship of Gold. Macmillan, 1987. 273 pages

Submarines seek a sunken ship, as the CIA, Pentagon, etc. strive to solve the forty year old mystery surrounding the OSAKA MARU.






Allis, Marguerite (1886-1958)

Water Over the Dam: a Novel of Old Connecticut. Putnam, 1947. 376 pages

Story of the building of the Farmington canal and the people involved.





Allison, William

A Secret of the Sea. Doubleday, 1920. 328 pages

A tycoon's secretary solves the mystery of his employer's missing wife






Alten, Steve (1959- )


  1. MEG: A Novel of Deep Terror. Doubleday, 1997. 278 pages

    A prehistoric shark surfaces off California and proceeds to wreck havoc. Sixty feet long, it is a member of a species living in the ocean depths for the last 100,000 years. Jonas Taylor, a paleontologist and deep-sea submariner, tries to capture it for an aquarium. Revised and expanded in 2005.




  3. The Trench. Doubleday, 1999. 296 pages






  5. MEG: Primal Waters. Forge, 2004. 361 pages






  7. MEG: Hell’s Aquarium. Variance, 2009. 342 pages






  9. MEG: Nightstalkers. Tor, 2016. 367 pages






  11. MEG: Generations. A&M Publishing, 2018. 394 pages






  13. MEG: Origins. self, 2011. 74 pages






  15. MEG: Purgatory. A&M Publishing, forthcoming. 1 volume








Alter, Robert Edmond (1925-1966)

Red Water : A Story of the Whale Trade. Putnam, 1968. 233 pages

Shanghaied aboard a whaling ship in 1820, seventeen-year-old Jess grows to maturity at sea and eventually becomes captain of the vessel whose crew had kidnapped him.








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