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Nautical Fiction Index

Authors Sha - Sie

Shannon, Dell [pseud. Elizabeth Linington] (1921-1988)

The Scalpel and the Sword. Morrow, 1987. 392 pages

Irish surgeon moves to London in 1803 to improve his fortune, then does a stint as a Royal Navy surgeon. He serves in the Mediterranean, and sees action at Trafalgar.





Shaw, Frank H. [Hubert] (1878-1960)

In the Days of Nelson : a story of the battle of the Nile. Cassell, 1910. 334 pages






Sons of the Sea : a Story for Boys. Cassell, 1912. 310 pages






With Jellicoe in the North Sea. Cassell, 1916. 311 pages






When Beatty Kept the Seas. Cassell, 1917. 313 pages






On Great Waters. Cassell, 1919. 326 pages

Blackhand's Treasure. Cassell, 1921. 277 pages






Treasure Trove of the Southern Seas. Cassell, 1921. 311 pages






The Mystery of the Sphinx. Cassell, 1926. 215 pages






Captain Lash. Reader's Library, 1929. 187 pages






Sea-Fret. Edward Arnold, 1938. 111 pages






The Reluctant Pirate : the true story of Mr. Harry Glasby, one-time chief mate of the London ship Samuel, and afterwards sailing-master under Captain Bartholomew Roberts, perhaps the most villainous pirate of them all. Blackie, 1939. 226 pages

Convoy Captain. Stanley Paul, 1944. 171 pages

Sea Watch. Stanley Paul, 1945. 160 pages






The Gay Sea Road. Stanley Paul, 1947. 224 pages

Exultant danger : a novel of the sea. Stanley Paul, 1948. 256 pages

Eastward Ho! Nimmo, 1949. 250 pages

Adventures of a young officer aboard a merchantman

Drake's Drummer. Children's Books, 1949. 267 pages







Shaw, Irwin (1913-1984)

Sailor Off the Bremen, and other stories. Random House, 1939. 293 pages

The title story is a tale of a Nazi steward savagely beaten in revenge for his attacks on Communists





Shay, Edith Foley (1893-1961) and Smith, Katherine Foster (1896-1947)

The Private Adventure of Captain Shaw. Houghton Mifflin, 1945. 255 pages

Cape Cod captain's curious adventure in 1790s France leads to a prosperous voyage. Katherine Smith was the wife of John Dos Passos.





Shea, Philip

The Devil's Captain. Windsor, 1992. 318 pages

Bartholemew Roberts, forced to become a pirate when captured by them, becomes captain Black Bart Roberts, scourge of the Atlantic. Improbable but fun pirate adventure set during War of Jenkins' Ear.





Sheckley, Robert (1928-2005)

The Man in the Water : a novel of great tension. Regency, 1961. 158 pages

Two men struggle for possession of a small boat alone on the wasteland of the Sargasso Sea.






Sheean, Vincent (1899-1975)

Sanfelice. Doubleday, Doran, 1936. 449 pages

The Neapolitan uprising of 1799 with considerable mention of the Hamilton - Nelson love affair






Sheldon, Charlie

The Boomerang Heist. Writer's Showcase, 2003. 286 pages

An investigative reporter is forced to take a voyage on a container ship crossing the Pacific to Seattle. A promotional cargo container, the Boomerang Box, which has been traveling the world as a high school project, will arrive in Seattle aboard that same ship and will be met by the President and seventeen other heads of state. Two hours after leaving Kobe, Japan, the ship is hijacked by terrorists.




Shellabarger, Samuel (1888-1954)

Captain from Castile. Little, Brown, 1945. 632 pages

Pedro de Vargas joins Cortes' expedition to conquer Mexico and becomes an adroit envoy at the Spanish court. Several significant sea sequences





Lord Vanity. Little, Brown, 1953. 367 pages

From galley slave to the most dangerous swordsman in Europe in the 1750s.






Shelley, Sidney (1921- )

The Bowmanville Break. Delacorte, 1968. 242 pages

German prisoners of war are plotting a daring escape, and it's up to a brash Allied officer to stop them. The novel recounts the elaborate escape strategies used by the prisoners and the tactics the prison camp officials employed to track the escapees to the U-boats that were to carry them back to Germany. Filmed and reprinted as The McKenzie Break.




Shepard, Lucius (1943-2014)

Viator Plus. PS Publishing, 2009. 355 pages

Hoping a salvage job on VIATOR, an abandoned ship off the coast of Alaska, will be a springboard to a new life, Thomas Wilander is disturbed to find that his four workmates are behaving erratically, perhaps suffering from mental instability. With the help of Arlene, a woman in the nearby town of Kaliaska, Wilander investigates VIATOR's past and the origins of the mysterious man who hired him, eventually learning that some of the answers may lie in his own dreams, which seem to be coming true. The text in this collection is the author's perfered version.



Shepherd, Peter

The Saturn Experiment. W. H. Allen, 1988. 192 pages

NATO nuclear submarine "Saturn" and the Soviet battleship "Kharkov" face-off in Soviet waters--in a battle that could mean not only the lives of the crewmen aboard but the loss of world freedom.





Sheppard, F. H. [Francis Henry] (1846-1912)

Love Afloat : a story of the American Navy. Sheldon & Co, 1875. 483 pages


Shepperd, Stephen

For All the Tea in China. Tudor, 1988. 477 pages

Two rogue captains are challenged to sail the tea route from China to England in a race against a steamship. The Winner makes a fortune, gets the girl, and keeps his ship.





Sherlock, John (1932-2002) and Westheimer, David (1917-2005)

The Amindra Gamble. Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1982. 319 pages

Cargo ship smuggles England's gold reserves to the Canada in fall 1940 struggles to avoid capture by Germans.






Sherman, D.R. (1934-1985)

Brothers of the Sea. Little, Brown, 1966. 247 pages

When an old Creole fisherman is threatened with eviction, the life of his adopted son's pet dolphin is endangered





Shirreffs, Gordon D. (1914-1996)

Roanoke Raiders. Westminster, 1959. 160 pages

William Barker Cushing fits out a spar torpedoboat to destroy the newly launched Confederate ram ALBEMARLE, lying eight miles up North Carolina's Roanoke River. Based on an actual exploit.




The Gray Sea Raiders. Chilton, 1961. 160 pages

Civil War adventure for young readers.




The Mosquito Fleet. Chilton, 1961. 184 pages

The siege of Vicksburg, for young readers.




Powder Boy of the Monitor. Westminster, 1961. 188 pages

Civil War adventure for young readers.





Bob Dunbar and Gary Lunt

  1. The Cold Seas Beyond. Westminster, 1963. 192 pages

    Alaskan teenagers Bob Dunbar and Gary Lunt join the ragtag crew of the Otter supporting the U.S. forces during World War II in a quiet corner of the Aleutians--unaware that the Japanese are about to invade



  3. The Hostile Beaches. Westminster, 1964. 192 pages

    Bob and Gary are serving on a destroyer during the Solomon Islands campaign. When their destroyer hits a mine and sinks, they end up getting drafted aboard a PT boat. Later on, the protagonists end up stranded on an island, taking over the duties of a wounded Australian coast-watcher



  5. The Enemy Seas. Westminster, 1965. 190 pages

    Swept from the deck of their destroyer, Signalman Bob Dunbar and his sidekick, Gunner's Mate Gary Lunt, are rescued by the submarine Grayfin. The Grayfin is on a mission to pick up a team of British and Australian commandos



  7. The Bolo Battalion. Westminster, 1966. 218 pages

    Bob and Gary are assigned to jungle warfare and guerrilla fighting in the Phillipines during World War II




  9. Torpedoes Away! Westminster, 1967. 206 pages

    Bob Dunbar and Gary Lunt get back on board the submarine GRAYFIN just in time for its third patrol in World War II, a special mission in the Java Sea to seek out and destroy enemy ships.



  11. The Killer Sea. Westminster, 1968. 192 pages

    Discharged from the Navy after World War II but not yet ready to exchange sea life for college life, two young men join the crew of a salvage tug, and find themselves trying to salvage a Canadian ship taken over by twenty Japanese who do not know the war is over. For young readers.




Captain Cutlass. Fawcett Gold Medal, 1978. 352 pages

Giant pirate battles other pirates, Spanish ships and two women. Somewhat erotic at times.






Shute, Nevil [Nevil Shute Norway] (1899-1960)

What Happened to the Corbetts. Heinemann, 1939. 267 pages

USA title: Ordeal. With London being bombed and cholera breaking out, the Corbett family escaped to Sonia, their old, gaff-rigged cutter, and set sail.




Most Secret. W. Morrow, 1945. 310 pages

A flamethrower is fitted to a fishing boat as a secret weapon during WW II.




The Breaking Wave. Morrow, 1955. 282 pages

U.K. title: Requiem for a Wren. Australian veteran of WW II returns home to discover his parent's housekeeper has just died through an overdose of sleeping pills. In attempting to unearth her true identity he discovers that she was his late brother's fiance, a WREN during the War. Much of the novel takes place ashore, but the central events are linked to the sea, whether in harbor or on the English Channel.



The Trustee from the Toolroom. Morrow, 1960. 311 pages

Machinist goes to the South Seas to salvage a yacht and settle an estate.






Siegel, Robert Harold (1939-2012)

Whalesong trilogy

  1. Whalesong. Crossway, 1981. 143 pages

    The story of Hruna, a humpback whale, and his journey into love, mystery and spiritual awakening in the waters of the world.




  3. White Whale. HarperSanFrancisco, 1991. 228 pages

    A young beluga whale feeds, frolics with playmates, and listens to the songs of the adult whales




  5. The Ice at the End of the World. HarperSanFrancisco, 1994. 242 pages

    As Hralekana, the wounded humpback whale, confronts the kraken and leads his pod in search of food, his human friend Mark, on board the Rainbow Whale, faces warships preparing to explode a nuclear device which is accidentally dropped in a deep ocean trench






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