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Nautical Fiction Index

Authors E - El

Eardley-Wilmot, Sydney Marow (1847-1929)

The Next Naval War. Edward Stanford, 1894. 175 pages

The Battle of the North Sea in 1914. Hugh Rees, 1912. 80 pages

First edition published under the pseudonym "Searchlight". Second edition (1913) under Author's name


Eaton, Evelyn Sybill Mary (1902-1983)

Restless are the Sails. Harper, 1941. 348 pages

French pirate captain at the siege of Louisburg, Nova Scotia in 1758.





Eberhart, Mignon Good (1899-1996)

Five Passengers from Libson. Random House, 1946. 242 pages

Five passengers and three crewmen survive a sinking Portugese cargo ship via a lifeboat, but when they're picked up by a U. S. hospital ship, the Portugese mate is found murdered. Against a backdrop of Portugal being a haven for espionage with undertones of Nazi and Resistance alliances, Eberhart spins a claustrophobic web.




Eccles, Frank (1923-2013)

The Barbary Run. Longman, 1971. 249 pages

Captain Lawson, in command of the forty-four gun frigate, HMS COMUS, is ordered to hunt one of the most notorious pirates to operate on the North African coast, Yussaiff Ahmed, whose nefarious activities have sent insurance rates sky high, but it is his audacious seizure of an East Indiaman which rouses the British Government to demand his destruction. However, Captain Lawson's mission is complicated when he finds his admiral's wife adrift in a boat full of survivors from a pirate attack, and he discovers that she knows more than she is saying about the pirate leader. An entertaining naval yarn set in 1816. Needless to say it is promoted as being in the tradition of C. S. Forester.


Fifty Thousand Overcoats. Dent, 1973. 142 pages

Written for older children this story concerns a British ship's owner/captain, who comes out of retirement when he believes his ship is being used for nefarious purposes. With his adopted son he is forced to sail in his ship, which is now being used as a blockade runner attempting to take supplies, including the eponymous overcoats, to Bonaparte's army in Russia. Apparently based on a true incident in 1812.



The Mutiny Run. St. Martin's, 1994. 298 pages

In 1797 the Royal Navy hurriedly sends HMS ADAMANT with Midshipman John Lawson aboard on a mission with two goals: to get the crew away from the influence of the Spithead mutiny and to boost morale with a bold stroke against the coast of France.




Eco, Umberto (1932-2016)

The Island of the Day Before. Harcourt, Brace, 1995. 515 pages

Allegorical tale about a minor member of Italian nobility, Roberto de la Griva, who is swept off one ship in the Pacific and finds an abandoned ship anchored in the bay of a beautiful island. The ship, while fully provisioned, and apparently intact has been abandoned by its crew. As Roberto explores the ship, he muses about his life, the universe and everything.




Edgar, Day [Editor]

The Saturday Evening Post Reader of Sea Stories. Doubleday, 1962. 310 pages

Contents: Under the deck-awnings / Jack London -- The beast from 20,000 fathoms / Ray Bradbury -- Vengeance reef / Don Waters -- The snowflake and the starfish / Robert Nathan -- Hornblower and the man who felt queer / C. S. Forester -- The capture of the swordray / Clay Blair, Jr. -- Jarge makes in / Charles Rawlings -- The living torpedo / Tom Yates -- A sailor to the wheel / Bill Adams -- Cargo of gold / Charles Rawlings -- The ransom of Peter Drake / Jacland Marmur -- Port of call / Bud Hutton -- The sea devil / Arthur Gordon -- The kid in command / Jaclund Marmur -- Troubled voyage / William Holder -- Captive captain / John Paul Heffernan -- Without warning / Robert Murphy -- Treachery's wake / Olaf Ruhen -- Dr. Blanke's first command / C. S. Forester -- The cruise of the breadwinner / H. E. Bates.


Edmonds, Harry (1891-1989)

The Riddle of the Straits. Ward, Lock, 1931. 319 pages

Future War story set in 1935: the UK and Japan find themselves pitted against the USSR and the USA; a Channel Tunnel saves the UK from embargo





The Death Ship or The Tragedy of the "Valmiera" as related by Chief Officer James Staley. John Lane, 1933. 344 pages

Macabre mystery thriller set on a sailing ship



Edmonds, Walter D. [Dumaux] (1903-1998)

Rome Haul : A Romance of the Old Canal-Boating Days on the Erie Canal. Little, Brown, 1929. 347 pages






The Big Barn. Little, Brown, 1930. 333 pages






Erie Water. Little, Brown, 1933. 506 pages






Mostly Canallers : Collected Stories. Little, Brown, 1934. 467 pages






Chad Hanna. Little, Brown, 1940. 548 pages







Edmondson, G. C. [pseud. José Mario Garry Ordoñez Edmondson y Cotton] (1922-1995)

The Ship That Sailed the Time Stream. Ace, 1965. 167 pages

A USN owned yawl conducting experiments with newfangled ASW equipment in the 1960s is struck by lighting in a sudden squall off San Diego and finds itself suddenly in much colder waters, seriously off course, and in a calm fog. . . and out of the fog comes sailing up a Viking longship. Things get interesting from there.



To Sail the Century Sea. Ace, 1981. 194 pages

Further adventures of "the ship that sailed the time stream".





Edwards, John E.

Yard-Arm For A Gallows. Dent, 1966. 176 pages

It is 1721 and England is at war with Spain. Piracy and adventure in the Caribbean.





Edwardson, George [pseud. George Westropp]

Wharton series:

  1. Wharton. self, 2022. 158 pages






  3. Majestic. self, 2022. 121 pages






  5. Ajax. self, 2023. 190 pages






  7. Goliath. self, 2023. 119 pages





  9. Leopard. self, 2024. 166 pages





  11. Warlord. self, 2024. 162 pages







The Sea Officer:

Based on the true naval career of Irish sailor Amos Freeman Westropp

  1. Set Course for Trafalgar. self, 2022. 354 pages






  3. Clear for Action. self, 2022. 278 pages








Egbert, H. M. [pseud. Victor Rousseau Emanuel] (1879-1960)

The Sea Demons. J. Long, 1924. 264 pages

Submarine captain battles a race of underwater based creatures bent upon replacing humankind.





Eggleston, George Cary (1839-1911)

The Wreck of the Red Bird : a story of the Carolina Coast. Chatterton-Peck, 1882. 216 pages

The Last of the Flatboats; a story of the Mississippi and its Interesting Family of Rivers. Chatterton-Peck, 1900. 382 pages

The Bale Marked Circle X: a Blockade Running Adventure. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1902. 376 pages

Running the River : a story of Adventure and Success. A.S. Barnes, 1904. 295 pages

What happened at Quasi; the story of a Carolina cruise. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1911. 368 pages



Ehrlich, Max Simon (1909-1983)

Deep is the Blue. Doubleday, 1964. 299 pages

SSBN captain pushes his crew for perfection so hard that they end up making mistakes. This, in turn, endangers the safety and mission of the ship on its patrol, and almost leads to an attack on an allied submarine. Finally, in an effort to shake up the crew, the captain makes a mistake which almost sinks the sub.




Eldridge, Les

Rory Dunbrody and Tobias St. John series:

  1. The Chesapeake Command. Broadsides, 2005. 272 pages

    Shipwreck, Indian raids and the threat of war with Great Britain confront two U. S. Navy officers, one Irish, one black, in the Pacific Northwest on the eve of the American Civil War. Rory Dunbrody and Tobias St. John, sea officers and best friends, are thrust into armed confrontation with the British over possession of remote San Juan Island. Only their deft diplomacy averts a shooting war. Then, these two comrades from the lowest social orders of the day are separated by the advent of civil war. Rory, now a Confederate lieutenant, and Tobias, a Union sailing master, struggle to maintain their friendship as they battle the enemy, and one another, in New Orleans, Chesapeake Bay and on the Carolina coasts.


  3. Gray Raiders, Green Seas. Leeward Coast Press, 2007. 288 pages

    The story of two sea officers, best friends, one Irish and one black who are separated by the American Civil War at sea. Rory Dunbrody and Tobias St. John struggle to maintain their friendship while confronting storms, the enemy, the bias of brother officers, and occasionally, one another




  5. The Wake of the Woonsocket. Leeward Coast Press, 2008. 304 pages

    In yet another espionage mission masterminded by Lincoln and his Secret Service Chief, Allan Pinkerton, Tobias, aboard USS Woonsocket, must sort through the conflicting expectations of Mexican President Benito Juarez with his need for weapons to put down Mexico's French-supported rebellion, and Lincoln's need to keep French imperialism at bay while insuring that the blockade of Matamoros does not interfere with cotton shipments for Union uniforms. In the process, Tobias barely escapes death at the hand of his nemesis, blockade runner Bertram Ludlow, off the mouth of the Rio Bravo.



  7. The Pride of Pascagoula. Leeward Coast Press, 2010. 302 pages

    Tobias and Rory experience the chilling waters of the English Channel off Cherbourg as the Kearsarge sinks the Alabama. Next, Confederate Navy Secretary Stephen Mallory sends Rory and a cadre of Rebel officers to the Pacific. The Rebels arm a raider in Victoria, British Columbia that intercepts a Union gold shipment from San Francisco. Then they aid the CSS Shenandoah in attacks against whalers. Tobias and Kekoa Kalama are aboard a Union sloop of war in hot pursuit, determined to defend the whaling fleet against destruction.



  9. The Chilean Corvette. Leeward Coast Press, 2014. 295 pages

    Rory becomes commander of the Chilean/Peruvian Atlantic Squadron. He recruits Tobias and a host of Irish- American sailor-members of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, the "Fenians," thirsting for adventure, employment and training for the forthcoming Fenian uprising against Britain in 1867. Together, Rory and Tobias lead the squadron as it carries out Peruvian President Mariano Prado's plan to attack Spanish possessions in the Atlantic, and Spain herself.




Eliav, Aryeh "Lova" (1921-2010)

The Voyage of the Ulua. Funk & Wagnalls, 1969. 191 pages

Translation of סיפורה של ספינת מעפילים. Jewish refugees aboard an ancient freighter attempt to run the British blockade in 1947






Eliot, George Fielding (1894-1971)

Caleb Pettengill, U. S. N. Messnor, 1956. 320 pages

The steam frigate MERRIMACK blockades Southern ports during the War Between the States.





Ellsberg, Edward (1891-1983)

Santa Cruz Treasure series:

  1. Thirty Fathoms Deep. Dodd, Mead, 1930. 266 pages

    Ex-USN salvage officer and ex-navy divers use a surplus WW I navy salvage ship to go after the treasure of a Spanish galleon sunk in 30 fathoms near a tiny island off the Peruvian coast.




  3. Ocean Gold. Dodd, Mead, 1935. 263 pages

    Ex-USN salvage officer Philip Ramsay takes command of the LAPWING to recover the remaining treasure of the Santa Cruz, now hidden underneath the sunken hull of another ship!




  5. Submarine Treasure. Dodd, Mead, 1936. 299 pages

    Also published as Spanish Ingots. After jettisoning the Spanish gold to avoid it's confiscation by the Peruvian navy and scuttling the LAPWING Philip Ramsay charters an old "S" class submarine, now a travelling exhibition, to recover the treasure.




  7. Treasure Below. Dodd, Mead, 1940. 305 pages

    More adventures in the S-53 and the NANTUCKET LIGHTSHIP as Philip Ramsay and the navy divers try to get the Santa Cruz treasure back to civilization.





Pigboats. Dodd, Mead, 1931. 239 pages

Lieutenant Knowlton commands the American submarine L-200 attached to Britain’s Grand Fleet in the First World War. Driven by enemy destroyers, crippled and helpless, to a depth she was not designed for we follow the despair and desperation of her people as their morale disintegrates in the face of what appears to be certain death. U. K. title: Submerged.



S-54 : Stories of the Sea. Dodd, Mead, 1932. 278 pages

Collection of fictional salvage stories. Contents: S-54 -- It's a tough problem -- Cargo to Newcastle -- Queenstown patrol -- The ring.




Hell on Ice : the Saga of the "Jeannette". Dodd, Mead, 1938. 421 pages

The personal narrative in fictional form of the chief engineer, G. W. Melville, of the tragic USN expedition "to that unknown part of the world lying North of Behring's strait. " 22 of the 34 men in the JEANETTE died while trying to reach Siberia after she was crushed in the ice in June 1881.




Captain Paul. Dodd, Mead, 1941. 607 pages

Fiction about John Paul Jones.




"I have just begun to fight" : The story of John Paul Jones. Dodd, Mead, 1942. 269 pages

Abridged and altered from the author's Captain Paul (1941).




Cruise of the Jeannette. Dodd, Mead, 1949. 275 pages

A retelling for young readers of the author's Hell on ice (1938).




Mid Watch: a novel. Dodd, Mead, 1954. 279 pages

Boiler blows up in an old US Navy cruiser making a full power run sometime before WW I. Ensign is made scapegoat and court martialled.





Ellsworth, John [Editor]

Tiller and Pen: A Collection of Sailors' Stories. Eighth Moon, 1994. 179 pages

Modern short fiction. Contents: Cutting rope / John Tucker -- Three man and a boat / Eton Churchill -- Standing watch / Marian Blue -- Coffee on the watch / Ben Wilensky -- Aground / Joan Connor -- The sea has many voices / Gregory Fitz Gerald -- Wreck of the Juniper / Daniel Spurr -- Flo / Michael Badham -- Foggy Foggy Don'ts / Mary Lee Coe -- A daughter of the tradewind / Richard Morris Dey -- The cruise of the diablesse / Tamsen Merrill -- Island Hunter / Christine Kling -- La Carona del Diablo / Ray Bradley.



Elmer, Robert

Chasing the Wind. Bethany House, 1996. 187 pages

Just after the surrender of Germany in World War II, three Danish children are trapped aboard a renegade German submarine attempting to escape to South America with Nazi treasure. Book 5 in the Young Underground series. The other titles in this series are non-nautical.




Eltham, Dean

"Geraniums". Macleans', March 15, 1929

A study of two old salts' attempt to live shoreside.





Elwell, Ambrose

At the Sign of the Red Swan. Small, Maynard, 1919. 213 pages

A 17th century inn for sailors and smugglers becomes the center of intrigue and revolt







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