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Nautical Fiction Index

Author Bj - Bl

Bjørneboe, Jens (1920-1976)

The Sharks: The History of a Crew and a Shipwreck. Norvik Press, 1992. 241 pages

A dark, psychological novel of storm and mutiny aboard the British ship NEPTUNE, sailing from Manila to Marseilles in 1899 with a cargo of hemp and a secret stash of pearls. Translation of the Norwegian Haiene : historien om et mannskap og et forlis (1974)




Black, William (1841-1898)

White Wings : A Yachting Romance. Harper, 1880. 3 volumes






The Strange Adventures of a House-Boat. Harper, 1888. 3 volumes

A love story which takes place on a horse-drawn boat traveling the waterways from Kingston to Newbury..





Blackmore, R. D. [Richard Doddridge] (1825-1900)

Springhaven: a tale of the Great War. S. Low, 1887. 3 volumes

The villainous Captain Caryl Carne attempts to aid a French invasion of the Sussex coast


Blaine, John [pseud. Harold L. Goodwin] (1914-1990)

Rick Brant Electronic (Science) Adventures:

Rick Brant lives on Spindrift Island, where his father heads a group of scientists. With his ex-Marine pal Scotty, Rick has many Jonny Quest type adventures. Only the books that seem to have a significant nautical element are listed here

  1. Sea Gold. Grosset & Dunlap, 1947. 214 pages

    Book 3 - Rick and Scotty get jobs at a new plant to extract minerals from sea water, and investigate possible sabotage. Co-written by Peter J. Harkins




  3. 100 Fathoms Under. Grosset & Dunlap, 1947. 209 pages

    Book 4 - Rick and Scotty travel to the South Pacific in search of an ancient archaeological artifact





  5. The Phantom Shark. Grosset & Dunlap, 1949. 206 pages

    Book 6 - Rick and Scotty cross paths with a nefarious pearl thief in the South Pacific





  7. Smugglers' Reef. Grosset & Dunlap, 1950. 211 pages

    Book 7 - Rick and Scotty use an infrared camera to gather evidence against smugglers





  9. The Wailing Octopus. Grosset & Dunlap, 1956. 209 pages

    Book 11 - On a skin-diving vacation in the Virgin Islands, Rick and Scotty stumble across deadly spies





  11. The Pirates of Shan. Grosset & Dunlap, 1958. 181 pages

    Book 14 - Rick and Scotty search for Spindrift scientists kidnapped by pirates in the Philippines





  13. The Flaming Mountain. Grosset & Dunlap, 1962. 172 pages

    Book 17 - Rick and Scotty aid the Spindrift Foundation's mission to save an island from an active volcano





  15. The Flying Stingaree. Grosset & Dunlap, 1963. 176 pages

    Book 18 - Mysterious UFO sightings around the Chesapeake Bay





  17. Danger Below! Grosset & Dunlap, 1968. 178 pages

    Book 23 - Rick and Scotty probe the cause of the sinking of an oil rig off Spindrift







Blair, Clay (1925-1998) and Joan Blair (1929- )

Scuba! Bantam Books, 1977. 247 pages

Adventurers, sinners and lovers, lured by a fortune in gold dive in the Caribbean.




The Submariners 1 : Mission Tokyo Bay. Bantam Books, 1979. 217 pages

Just before WW II, US submarine SHARK is sent to find out why the Japanese are gathering submarines.




The Submariners 2 : Swordray's First Three Patrols. Bantam Books, 1980. 179 pages

WW II sub adventure. "The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was barely finished when Commander Hunter Holmes began some of the most savage underwater attacks of the war."




Blake, George (1893-1961)

The Shipbuilders. Faber & Faber, 1935. 384 pages

Study of a Glasgow shipyard hit by the shipbuilding bust in late 1920s, as seen through the eyes of the owner, and a riveter who served as the owner's batman when both were in the British Army in WW I. Never gets to sea, but a fascinating portrait of a vital support maritime industry during the worst of times.




The Constant Star. Collins, 1945. 319 pages

A saga of a powerful ship and shipbuilding concern owned by the Oliphant family. When their fathers die two cousins inherit the firm. Julius believes in tradition and dreams of the perfect clipper ship, which he builds the CONSTANT STAR but Mark is an innovator and the potential of steam and iron drives him. There is plenty of detail and good characterisation in this story which spans from the end of the Napoleonic War through the American Civil War to the culmination of the tea clippers.



Blake, John Lauris (1788-1857)

Ramon, the Rover of Cuba : the Personal Narrative of that Celebrated Pirate : Translated from the original Spanish. Richardson, Lord and Holbrooke, 1829. 162 pages



Blake, Patrick [pseud. Clive Egleton] (1927-2006)

Double Griffin. Macdonald, 1981. 320 pages

U.S. title: The Skorzeny project. U-Boat plans to bomb Times Square, New York on New Years Eve 1944/5.





Blaker, Richard (1893-1940)

The Needle-Watcher. Doubleday, 1932. 501 pages

Biographical novel of the final years of Captain William Adams (?-1620), who becomes a Samurai and a friend of the Shogun.





Blanc, Suzanne (1915-1999)

The Sea Troll. Doubleday, 1969. 187 pages

A romance between a widow and an old sea captain during The Sea Troll's voyage to Singapore.






Blasco Ibáñez, Vicente (1867-1928)

Mare nostrum (Our sea). Dutton, 1919. 518 pages

During World War I, a Spanish merchant sailor becomes involved with a German spy






Unknown Lands. The Story of Columbus. E.P. Dutton, 1929. 270 pages

Translation of En busca del Gran Kan (Cristóbal Colón)






Blochman, Lawrence G. (1900-1975)

Midnight Sailing. Harcourt, Brace, 1938. 311 pages

Silk millionaire P.G. Bonner commits suicide after a Senate investigation. He was accused of having secret plans for the latest Navy anti-aircraft gun. Reporter Glen Larkin is assigned to get on board a Japanese freighter that also carries passengers. It's headed for Japan with a load of nitrates for making gunpowder.




Bloom, Ursula (1892-1984)

Wonder Cruise. E.P. Dutton, 1934. 288 pages

A middle aged woman (35!) finds love and discovers her true self during a Mediterranean Cruise.






Bloundelle-Burton, John Edward (1850-1917)

The Desert Ship: A Story of Adventure by Sea and Land. Hutchinson, 1893. 399 pages

Spanish galleon discovered stranded in the Colorado Desert is loaded with mysterious ritual Aztec objects





The Hispaniola Plate, 1683-1893. Cassell, 1895. 352 pages






Across the Salt Seas : a Romance of the War of Succession. H.S. Stone, 1897. 446 pages






Fortune's My Foe. C.A. Pearson, 1899. 287 pages

The Sea Devils: a Romance. C.A. Pearson, 1912. 310 pages



Blunden, Godfrey (1906-1996)

Charco Harbour: a novel of unknown seas and a fabled shore passaged with coral reefs and magnetical islands, of shipwreck and a lonely haven; the true story of the last of the great navigators, his bark, and the men in her. Vanguard Press, 1968. 401 pages

Based on James Cook's voyage of exploration 1768-1771 in the ENDEAVOR.





Blyth, James [pseud. Henry James Catling Clabburn] (1864-1933)

The King's Guerdon: a Story of Adventure. Digby, Long, 1906. 318 pages

The English-Dutch sea fight off Lowestaft along with the great plague and the great fire of London





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