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Nautical Fiction Index

Authors Gi - Gl

Gibbs, Tony [pseud. Wolcott Gibbs, Jr.] (1935- )

Dead Run. Randon House, 1988. 262 pages

"This sailing thriller employs an old but servicable plot: both good and bad guys chase after an unidentified hidden treasure on an old sailboat, Glory. Gibbs knows and loves sailing, but the novel itself is pretty thin.." [Library Journal]




Running Fix. Random House, 1990. 371 pages

"...Gillian Verdan is a young woman of good breeding whose diminished circumstances have obliged her to charter out her family's magnificent yacht, GLORY. Her crew includes crusty Jeremy Barr, an old salt whose loss of wife and ship have left him high and dry emotionally, and Patrick O'Mara, a lusty young ex-mercenary whose working-class Catholic background puts him at a disadvantage among the snobbish gentry with whom he sails" [PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY]. Gillian searches for her college room mate, lost at sea with her editor boss. She and her crew run into a tangled web of intrigue and danger.


Landfall. W. Morrow, 1992. 251 pages

"...Jake Adler, a military man with connections to a dubious right-wing organization, charters the yacht GLORY and involves its owner Gillian Verdean, the captain...Jeremy Barr, and the cook Patrick O'Mara in a clandestine operation on the fictional Caribbean island of St. Philip....Lush locales, and extensive, but not overdrawan, seafaring lore add to the reading pleasure." [PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY]



Shot in the dark. Mysterious Press, 1996. 238 pages

Gibbs launches his new "Harbormaster" series which features low crime on the high seas in the Santa Barbara area. Lots of on the water action.




Fade to Black. Mysterious Press, 1997. 245 pages

A continuation of the Harbormaster series.






Gidley, Charles (1938–2010)

The Raging of the Sea. Deutsch, 1984. 543 pages

The son of a Royal Navy officer whose father died a hero in WW II joins the post-war Royal Navy as an officer, becomes a pilot.




Armada: the novel. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987. 437 pages

Tale of the Spanish Armada of 1588.





Gilbert, Elizabeth (1969- )

Stern Men. Houghton Mifflin Co., 2001. 289 pages

Ruth Thomas returns from boarding school to join her family in their Maine island lobster fishing business which is in a age-old fishing feud with other local lobstermen.





Gilchrist, Sir Andrew (1910-1993)

Death of an Admiral. Hale, 1988. 191 pages

In this novel the author gives his explanation for the events of the nine fateful days between Admiral Sir Tom Phillips' arrival in Singapore to assume command of the British Force Z and December 10, 1941. On this day the Admiral was lost, along with a thousand other men when the Japanese sank the British battleships HMS PRINCE OF WALES and HMS REPULSE in the South China Sea.



Giles, Janice Holt (1950-1979)

Run Me A River. Houghton Mifflin, 1964. 337 pages

Five days in the life of the Rambler and its passengers





Gilligan, Edmund (1898-1973)

White Sails Crowding. Scribner's, 1939. 351 pages

A clipper ship yarn.





The Gaunt Woman. Scribner's, 1953. 307 pages

A Norwegian square-rigger is fitted out as a U-boat supply vessel. A small American warship is on the hunt





The Ringed Horizon. Scribner's, 1943. 299 pages

In this sequel to The Gaunt Woman, the Americans continue their hunt for German U-boats.





Voyage of the Golden Hind. Scribner's, 1945. 307 pages

Drake's voyage of circumnavigation.





I Name Thee Maria. Scribner's, 1946. 428 pages

Two bothers helm their father's vessel on the Grand Banks in the age of sail.





My Earth, My Sea. Norton, 1959. 351 pages

Young man growing up at sea off Gloucester, Nova Scotia.






Gilpatric, Guy (1896-1950)

Glencannon series:

Dipsomaniac Scots Chief Engineer Glencannon makes life difficult for Captain Ball and everyone else aboard the British tramp steamer INCHCLIFFE CASTLE, especially First Mate Montgomery. Duggan's Dew of Kirkintilloch, "most gorgeous of all liquids that ever dripped golden from the nozzle of a still to mingle its perfume with that of the heather in the cold highland mists", leads Glencannon into and, amazingly, sometimes out of, all kinds of trouble.

  1. Scotch and Water. Dodd, Mead, 1931. 248 pages

    Contents: Scotch And Water -- Mary, Queen Of Scots -- The Lost Limerick -- The Missing Link -- He Might Have Been A Rooshan -- The Snyke In The Grass -- The Bold Man Of Dunvegan -- Cock O' The North -- The Flaming Chariot -- The Genii Of Gibraltar.




  3. Half-Seas Over. Dodd, Mead, 1932. 227 pages

    Contents: Odds And Ends -- The Glasgow Smasher -- The Loathsome Captain Skinkly -- Barking Dog -- Knavery At Naples -- Scones Upon The Waters -- The Ash Cat -- The Crafty Jerko-Slovaks -- The Fountain Of Youth -- Just Between Shipmates.




  5. Mr Glencannon. Dodd, Mead, 1934. 246 pages

    Contents: The ladies of Catsmeat Yard -- Broilers of the sea -- Hams across the sea -- One good tern -- One way to Mecca -- Pardon the French -- A plugged brass farthing -- The iron mare -- The admiral of Africa -- The roast beef of old England.




  7. Three Sheets in the Wind. Dodd, Mead, 1936. 243 pages

    Contents: The Rolling Stone -- A Nosegay For Mr. Montgomery -- Chinaman's Chance -- Champagne Charlie -- The Pearl Of Panama -- Star Dust And Corn -- The Toothless Hag Of Cadiz -- Three Lovesick Swains Of Gibraltar -- Mud Bottom Mulligan.




  9. The Gentleman with the Walrus Mustache : in which are set forth numerous stirring events in the exemplary life & charitable works of Mr. Colin Glencannon, chief engineer of the S.S. Inchcliffe Castle. Dodd, Mead, 1939. 275 pages

    Contents: Gabriel's trumpet -- The toad men of Tumbaroo -- Captain Snooty-off-the-yacht -- At the sign of the Brass Knuckle -- Double, double deal and trouble -- Mutiny on the Inchcliffe Castle -- The yogi of West Ninth Street -- The donkeyman's widow -- The mean man of Genoa -- The wailing lady of Limehouse.


  11. Glencannon Afloat: or, Golden rule and brass knuckles on the S.S. Inchcliffe Castle. Dodd, Mead, 1941. 240 pages

    Contents: The Rum Blossom -- The Ancient Mariner -- The Way of a Man with a Mermaid -- The Loving Cup -- The Monte Carlo Massacre -- The Smugglers of San Diego -- The Scot from Scotland Yard -- The Hunting of the Haggis.




  13. Mr Glencannon Ignores the War. E.P. Dutton, 1944. 157 pages

    The Scot takes on the Japanese Navy. Originally a 5 part serial in "The Saturday Evening Post".





  15. The Canny Mr. Glencannon: in which is set forth a true account of numerous recent and stirring events in the exemplary life & charitable works of Colin St. Andrew MacThrockle Glencannon, Esq., chief engineer of the S.S. Inchcliffe Castle. E.P. Dutton, 1948. 215 pages

    Contents: Where early fa's the dew -- The Glasgow fantom -- Monkey business at Gibraltar -- The home stretch -- Crocodile tears -- The Glencannon collection -- Mr. Glencannon and the ailing cockroach -- Souse of the border -- The masked monster -- The artful Mr. Glencannon -- Glenconnon ignores the war.


  17. Glencannon Meets Tugboat Annie. Harper, 1950. 214 pages

    Written with Norman Reilly Raine. Mostly a Tugboat Annie Puget Sound story with a guest appearence by Glencannon.





Action in the North Atlantic. E.P. Dutton, 1943. 189 pages

A Liberty Ship heading for Murmansk during WW II becomes separated from the rest of the convoy. Published in conjunction with the Warner Bros film.





Gladd, Arthur Anthony (1913- )

Galleys East! Dodd, Mead, 1961. 270 pages

Greek-Venetian lad, forced to become a sponge fisher after his father's disappearance, meets Miguel de Cervantes, finds Barbarossa's treasure, gets shipwrecked by a storm, captured by the Turks, and forced to become a galley slave. Escaping from the Turks, he goes to the Holy League fleet camped outside of Lepanto, warns them of a Turkish trap, and fights at the battle of Lepanto alongside Cervantes, rescuing his father and restoring the family fortune. Seems more plausible as you read the story, than when you encapsulate it.




Glanville, Alec (1902-1976) [pseud. Alexander Haig Glanville Grieve]

Death Goes Ashore. Harrap, 1936. 288 pages





Death in Our Wake. Harrap, 1937. 280 pages

Bilbao Blockade. Herbert Jenkins, 1938. 280 pages

The Body in the Trawl. Harrap, 1938. 316 pages





Master's Ticket. Herbert Jenkins, 1940. 282 pages

Published under the pseudonym Brassbounder




Out of the Shadow. Jenkins, 1951. 221 pages

Robin Fraser, one time submarine commander and Japanese prisoner of war is down on his luck. Then he is asked to participate in the recovery of treasure from a ship sunk during the French Revolution and accepts the job. The story of the salvage operations is hair raising in itself but in addition there is a story of intrigue and double dealing and finally of murder.




Glanzman, Sam (1924-2017)

A Sailor's Story. Marvel Entertainment Group, 1987. 1 volume

Graphic novel about service aboard a FLETCHER class destroyer during WW II. The ship was equipped with a catapult for an OS2U Kingfisher aircraft. "...very well done, and very evocative of a sailor's life on a 'tin can' in the Pacific."




Wind, Dreams, and Dragons. Marvel Entertainment Group, 1989. 1 volume

A Sailor's Story, book two. Covers the kamikaze period of WW II in the Pacific in more detail.






Glascock, William Nugent, Captain RN, (1787?-1847)

Naval Sketch-Book; or, The Service Afloat And Ashore : with characteristic reminiscences, fragments and opinions on professional and political subjects. H. Colburn, 1826. 2 volumes

"...A curious olla-podrida of 'galley' stories, criticisms on naval books, and miscellanies,... It is not very well written, and is in parts very dull, but provides some genuine things." [Saintsbury's Nineteenth Century Literature]



Sailors and Saints, or Matrimonial Manoeuvres. H. Colburn, 1829. 3 volumes

Tales of a Tar, with Characteristic Anecdotes. H. Colburn and R. Bentley, 1830. 333 pages

Land Sharks and Sea Gulls. R. Bentley, 1838. 3 volumes



Gleig, Charles (1862-1945)

When All Men Starve : showing how England hazarded her naval supremacy, and the horrors which followed the interruption of her food supply. J. Lane, 1898. 191 pages





Bunter's Cruise : a Tale of the New Navy. Methuen, 1899. 128 pages


The Nancy Manœuvres. Brown, Langham, 1907. 311 pages






The Rebel Cadets: a tale of the 'Britannia'. W. & R. Chambers, 1908. 386 pages






The Middy of the 'Blunderbore'. W. & R. Chambers, 1909. 312 pages






Contraband Tommy : a tale of the Dreadnought Era. T.C. & E.C. Jack, 1911. 404 pages






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